MJPC is a nonprofit organization dedicated to working to add a voice in the promotion of justice and peace in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in particular in the East where thousands of innocent civilians, including children and women continue to be victims of massive human rights violations while the armed groups responsible for these crimes remain unpunished.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

La chasse de notre rêve (Hunting for our dream)

             Ayant tristement perdu près de six millions de personnes récemment en raison de conflits armés et l'absence persistante de solutions à leur impact catastrofic d'un demi-million de cas de violence sexuelle, ceux qui vendent des armes aux Congolais et les personnes impliquées dans le trafic d'armes ne devraient pas être des conseillers de confiance! Voici un rêve qui devrait nous unir tous, malgré nos différences d'opinion! 
                 CONGO SANS VIOLENCE
            Having sadly lost almost six million of people recently due to armed conflicts and the continuing lack of solutions to their catastrofic impact of half a million cases of sexual violence, those who sell weapons to Congoleses and those involved in arms-trafficking should not be trusted advisors! Above is a dream that should unite us all despite our differences of opinion! "CONGO WITHOUT VIOLENCE"

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