MJPC is a nonprofit organization dedicated to working to add a voice in the promotion of justice and peace in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in particular in the East where thousands of innocent civilians, including children and women continue to be victims of massive human rights violations while the armed groups responsible for these crimes remain unpunished.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Nairobi : Obasanjo face aux bégaiements de Nkunda !(La Prospérité 16/12/2008)Fini donc la répétition saccadée de revendications purement ethniques. Nkunda, cheval de Troie du Rwanda, emprunte, aujourd’hui, des élans caméléonesques. Ses ambitions sont désormais coloriées si bien qu’au fil de jours, elles s’étiolent et compliquent la crise. Olusegun Obasanjo dont la ...
La RDC, l'Ouganda et le Sud-Soudan attaquent la LRA(BBC Afrique 16/12/2008)Les armées congolaise, ougandaise et du Sud-Soudan affirment avoir détruit des camps des rebelles ougandais dans le parc de la Garamba, une région couverte de forêts à la frontière des trois pays. Sous le coup d'un mandat d'arrêt international, le chef du mouvement, Joseph Kony ne s'est pas ...
COALITION CONTRE LA REBELLION OUGANDAISE: le chant du cygne pour Joseph Kony ?(Le Pays 16/12/2008)Le phénomène de la rébellion dans la région des Grands Lacs risque de devoir faire face dorénavant à un adversaire d’un type nouveau : l’attaque groupée. Un communiqué signé des chefs des services de renseignements de trois pays de la région annonce que l’Ouganda, la République démocratique du ...
Le Rwanda dément apporter une quelconque assistance à Laurent Nkunda en RDC(VOA News 16/12/2008)Le Rwanda a rejeté le rapport d’experts des Nations-Unies l’accusant d’apporter une aide multiforme aux rebelles congolais du CNDP. Dans une interview accordée à la Voix de l’Amérique, le chef de ce groupe d’experts, Jason Stearns a indiqué que les allégations des enquêteurs de l’ONU se fondent ...
Guerre du Kivu - Rapport de l’ONU : la Justice doit agir(Le Potentiel 16/12/2008)Le Conseil de sécurité devrait se réunir hier lundi pour prendre acte du Rapport des experts de l’ONU sur la guerre en République démocratique du Congo. Ce rapport a été remis depuis le 10 décembre 2008 à la Commission du Conseil de sécurité en charge de l’embargo et du gel des comptes des ...
Soriano, l'homme d'affaires belgo-congolais, dément financer Nkunda(Le Vif 16/12/2008)L'homme d'affaires belgo-congolais Raphaël Soriano alias Katebe Katoto, mis en cause dans un rapport d'experts de l'ONU pour l'aide financière qu'il aurait apporté à la rébellion du général tutsi Laurent Nkunda dans l'est de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC), a rejeté lundi en bloc les ...
Les Nations unies ont un train de retard au Congo (Courrier International 16/12/2008)Dans un récent rapport, l'ONU semble découvrir les exactions rwandaises commises sur le territoire congolais. Un laxisme onusien qui ne manque pas d'agacer. Ainsi donc, dans l'est de la république démocratique du Congo (RDC), il se passerait des choses peu catholiques [un rapport des ...
Le ministre Mende rejette sur le Cndp l’échec des pourparlers de Nairobi(Digitalcongo.net 16/12/2008)Le ministre de la cOmmunication et des médias et porte-parole du gouvernment, Lambert Mende Omalanga a, au cours d’une intervention sur la chaîne de la télévision nationale congolaise (RTNC) rejeté l’échec des pourparlers de Naïrobi sur le Cndp (Congrès national pour la défense du peuple, ...
Négociations Gouvernement - CNDP : 2ème round de Nairobi incertain(Le Potentiel 16/12/2008)Les yeux sont tournés vers Nairobi avec la poursuite des négociations entre le gouvernement et le CNDP. Ajournées pour des raisons de divergences de vue, elles doivent en principe reprendre demain mercredi 17 décembre à Nairobi. Mais ce deuxième round s’annonce incertain et toujours ...
Le dernier rapport de HRW et le devenir de la démocratie au Congo (Suite et fin)(Congolite 16/12/2008)16 décembre 2008 - Après la publication du rapport de HRW, le 25 novembre 2008, le gouvernement congolais l'a qualifié de fantaisiste. Les Congolais de la diaspora, par l'entremise de Réveil-FM, ont voulu en avoir le coeur net en questionnant l'une des chercheuses principales de la section ...
La MONUC déploie la quasi-totalité de ses forces dans l'est de la RDCongo(Centre de Nouvelles ONU 16/12/2008)NEW YORK (Nations Unies) - Plus de 90% des quelque 17.500 soldats du maintien de la paix basés en République démocratique du Congo (RDCongo) sont actuellement déployés dans l'est du pays, une région en proie aux combats croissants entre les rebelles et l'armée nationale. Plus de ...
Les soldats ougandais foulent le sol congolais(RFI 16/12/2008)L'armée ougandaise a été autorisée par Kinshasa à fouler le sol de la République démocratique du Congo pour y traquer les troupes de l'Armée de résistance du Seigneur. Selon certaines sources, il a fallu un an pour mettre sur pied cette opération. Kinshasa a accepté cette présence ougandaise, ...
Kengo dans l’oeil du cyclone(Le Phare 16/12/2008)Difficile de dire si l’insolente élection, en 2007, de Léon Kengo wa Dondo à la tête du Sénat fait toujours mal à ses adversaires politiques. Une chose est en tout cas sûre : l’homme se trouve bel et bien dans l’œil du cyclone.C’est la lettre d’un sénateur adressée au bureau de la chambre haute ...
La FEC et l’AFD examinent les obstacles et perspectives de financement du secteur privé en RDC(Le Potentiel 16/12/2008)La Fédération des entreprises du Congo (FEC) et l’Agence française de développement (AFD) ont conjointement organisé, hier lundi 15 décembre au salon Virunga de l’Hôtel Memling à Kinshasa, un séminaire sur « le financement du secteur privé en RDC : obstacles et perspectives ». Le séminaire ...
NORD-KIVU: ATTAQUE CONTRE UN CONVOI HUMANITAIRE (Misna 16/12/2008)Un groupe d’hommes armés a pris pour cible un petit convoi humanitaire, tuant une personne et en blessant une autre, toutes deux de nationalité congolaise, à bord d’un véhicule de l’organisation non gouvernementale italienne Avsi (Association des volontaires pour le service international), en ...
DR Congo rebels accused of violence against civilians: UNAFP - Tue Dec 16, 4:30 pm EST
The United Nations Tuesday accused rebels in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo of violence against civilians, including last month killing 13 people and recruiting by force some 200 young men.

Rwanda denies U.N. panel charge it aids Congo rebelsReuters via Yahoo! News - Tue Dec 16, 4:53 pm EST
The Rwandan government has rejected a report by a U.N. panel of experts that accuses Kigali of supporting Tutsi rebels in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, describing it as inaccurate and biased.

DR Congo's Rwandan Hutu rebels deny UN allegationsAFP via Yahoo! News - Tue Dec 16, 12:52 pm EST
Rwandan Hutu rebels based in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo rejected Monday UN charges that they are collaborating with the Congolese army and running illegal mining operations.
Aid worker killed in CongoUPI - 38 minutes ago
RUTSHURU, Democratic Republic of Congo, Dec. 16 (UPI) -- An aid worker in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo was killed in an ambush, his employer said Tuesday.
Gunmen kill aid worker in Congo ambushCNN - Tue Dec 16, 9:47 am EST
Gunmen killed an aid worker in war-wracked eastern Democratic Republic of Congo in an ambush Monday, according to his employer, an Italian non-government organization.

UN accuses rebels of rights violations in eastern DR CongoAFP via Yahoo! News - Tue Dec 16, 8:17 am EST
The UN on Tuesday accused rebels in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo of rights violations including kidnapping and forced displacements of local civilians in territories under their control.
Aid Worker Killed In DR CongoNasdaq - Tue Dec 16, 1:53 pm EST
(RTTNews) - An aid worker was shot and killed by unidentified gunmen in the Democratic Republic Congo, said his Italian employer, the Voluntary Association for International Service, on Tuesday.
Mwana Stops Diamond Exploration in Congo After Funds Dry UpBloomberg - Tue Dec 16, 4:26 am EST
Dec. 16 (Bloomberg) -- Mwana Africa Plc , a miner of gold and nickel, stopped exploring for diamonds in the Democratic Republic of Congo after BHP Billiton Ltd.

UN peacekeepers dissatisfied with DR Congo missionAFP via Yahoo! News - Mon Dec 15, 3:47 pm EST
The commander of UN peacekeepers in the Democratic Republic of Congo said Monday his troops were "dissatisfied" with their mission because they are unable to protect civilians as they would like.
3 African armies strike at Uganda rebels in CongoAP via Yahoo! News - Mon Dec 15, 3:36 pm EST
Three African armies have launched an offensive against Ugandan rebels based in eastern Congo in an attempt to end one of the continent's longest and most brutal wars, military officials said Monday.

Mia Farrow slams Western 'apathy' over DR Congo conflictAFP via Yahoo! News - Mon Dec 15, 3:32 pm EST
US actress and campaigner Mia Farrow on Monday slammed Western "apathy" over abuses in the Democratic Republic of Congo, saying people cared more about the region's gorillas than their fellow humans.
3 armies raid rebel camp in eastern CongoCNN - Mon Dec 15, 2:44 pm EST
Three African armies launched a raid on a rebel camp in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the three armies announced on Monday.

Uganda rebel threat outweighs dispute with Kampala: DR CongoAFP via Yahoo! News - Mon Dec 15, 10:21 am EST
The threat of Ugandan rebels on its soil overcame the Democratic Republic of Congo's differences with Uganda, a Kinshasa government spokesman said Monday, a day after a joint attack on the insurgents.
Mia Farrow: Congo civilians need urgent protectionAP via Yahoo! News - Mon Dec 15, 8:52 am EST
Actress Mia Farrow appealed Monday for the world to stop the rape of women and girls in eastern Congo, which she described as "one of the worst situations I have ever encountered in my life."
In Congo, U.N. Official Sees Limits Of DiplomacyNPR - Mon Dec 15, 4:24 pm EST
Hiroute Guebre Selassie, the head of the U.N. peacekeeping office in Northern Kivu, a province of the Democratic Republic of Congo, says she is committed to trying to make things better in that country. The province has witnessed brutal killings and rapes.
Italian aid worker killed in DR CongoEARTHtimes.org - Tue Dec 16, 6:53 am EST
Reuters South Africa
DR Congo rebels accused of violence against civilians: UNAFP - 4 hours agoKINSHASA (AFP) — The United Nations Tuesday accused rebels in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo of violence against civilians, including last month ...Rape as a weapon of war in DR Congo WorldfocusRwanda: Govt Ridicules UN Report on DRC AllAfrica.comTENTATIVE SIGNS OF PROGRESS IN NEGOTIATIONS IN DR CONGO; UN TROOPS ... MaximsNews NetworkReliefWeb (press release) - AFPall 112 news articles »
BBC News
Uganda rebel threat outweighs dispute with Kampala: DR CongoAFP - Dec 15, 2008KINSHASA (AFP) — The threat of Ugandan rebels on its soil overcame the Democratic Republic of Congo's differences with Uganda, a Kinshasa government ...War-ravaged northern Uganda legislators protest military attack on ... XinhuaUgandan rebels face joint offensive in DRCongo ABC OnlineKony should have been attacked a long time ago New VisionDaily Monitor - Xinhuaall 435 news articles »
Online radio show on DR Congo: Listen nowWorldfocus, NY - 30 minutes agoWorldfocus.org presents a webcasted radio show on roots of the conflict and prospects for peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo with the help of ...Webcast on DR Congo — Tues., Dec. 16 at 7:30 pm EST WorldfocusRehabilitating rape victims and families in Congo Worldfocusall 5 news articles »
Voice of America
DR Congo president says stepping up efforts to end conflictAFP - Dec 13, 2008DR Congo has accused Rwanda of supporting Nkunda's rebel group, a charge that was confirmed by a UN report released Friday. Rwanda has vehemently denied the ...DR Congo peace talks adjourned until next week XinhuaRwanda: Louis Michel Acknowledges Progress Towards Peace in Region AllAfrica.comRwanda, DR Congo whose proxies? PRESS TVAFP - Xinhuaall 315 news articles »
Voice of America
Mia Farrow slams Western 'apathy' over DR Congo conflictAFP - Dec 15, 2008GENEVA (AFP) — US actress and campaigner Mia Farrow on Monday slammed Western "apathy" over abuses in the Democratic Republic of Congo, saying people cared ...Mia Farrow says Congolese need international protection Monsters and Critics.comall 137 news articles »
Aid Worker Killed In DR CongoRTT News, NY - 7 hours agoThe UN estimates that more than 200000 people have been displaced in the fighting in the Democratic Republic of Congo's North Kivu province and has warned ...Italian aid worker killed in DR Congo Trend News Agencyall 16 news articles »
DR Congo: Protect Children From Rape and RecruitmentHuman Rights Watch (press release) - 4 hours ago(New York, December 16, 2008) - The UN Security Council should respond to escalating violations against children in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, ...
De Gucht backs any EU mission to CongoNew Europe, Belgium - 11 hours agoThe Belgian government has reaffirmed its willingness to contribute actively to any EU force in eastern DR Congo, in view of the recommendations of the ...
Rwanda: Country At High Risk of Severe Hunger - FAOAllAfrica.com, Washington - 12 hours agoMost of the increase in the number of hungry occurred in a single country, the Democratic Republic of Congo, as a result of widespread and persistent ...
DR Congo & Zimbabwe Complete Qualifiers For CHANGoal.com, Switzerland - Dec 14, 2008Democratic Republic of Congo and Zimbabwe have completed the eight qualifiers for the inaugural Championship of African Nations (CHAN). ...SA out of CHAN Kickoffall 12 news articles »
Google News Alert for: dr congo
Rwanda: Country At High Risk of Severe Hunger - FAOAllAfrica.com - Washington,USAMost of the increase in the number of hungry occurred in a single country, the Democratic Republic of Congo, as a result of widespread and persistent ...See all stories on this topic
Italian aid worker killed in DR CongoTrend News Agency - Baku,AzerbaijanAn Italian aid worker was shot and killed in the Democratic Republic Congo, the United Nations reported Tuesday, condemning the death, reported dpa. ...See all stories on this topic
De Gucht backs any EU mission to CongoNew Europe - Brussels,BelgiumThe Belgian government has reaffirmed its willingness to contribute actively to any EU force in eastern DR Congo, in view of the recommendations of the ...See all stories on this topic
Mia Farrow slams Western 'apathy' over DR Congo conflictAFPGENEVA (AFP) — US actress and campaigner Mia Farrow on Monday slammed Western "apathy" over abuses in the Democratic Republic of Congo, saying people cared ...See all stories on this topic

AFPUN peacekeepers dissatisfied with DR Congo missionAFPKINSHASA (AFP) — The commander of UN peacekeepers in the Democratic Republic of Congo said Monday his troops were "dissatisfied" with their mission because ...See all stories on this topic

AFPUN accuses rebels of rights violations in eastern DR CongoAFPKINSHASA (AFP) — The UN on Tuesday accused rebels in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo of rights violations including kidnapping and forced displacements ...See all stories on this topic
Rwanda: Govt Ridicules UN Report on DRCAllAfrica.com - Washington,USA... move aimed at shifting blame away" from the DR Congo government and the International Community's failures, in resolving the eastern DR Congo conflict. ...See all stories on this topic
DRC faces economic crisisNews24 - South AfricaDR Congo is home to 34% of the world's cobalt reserves - essential for mobile phones - and 10 % of the world's copper supplies. It is also rich in tin, ...See all stories on this topic
Webcast on DR Congo — Tues., Dec. 16 at 7:30 pm ESTWorldfocus - New York,NY,USAIn the last year alone, more than a million people have fled the fighting in eastern Congo. For more on the conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo, ...See all stories on this topic
Mia Farrow slams Western 'apathy' over DR Congo conflict by ...France24 - Paris,FranceThe 63-year-old actress, who has also been a prominent critic of Sudan's government over its role in strife-torn Darfur, said all parties in DR Congo's ...See all stories on this topic