MJPC Urges the ICC to Refer Congo to the UN (Security Council) on Ntaganda
"There are serious dangers in continuing to allow Congo defy the ICC arrest warrant against Ntaganda; its sends a wrong message and could have disastrous effects in other countries"
Citing the importance for the newly-created International Criminal Court (ICC) to remain an impeccably impartial institution, the MJPC reiterated its call on the ICC to refer the DR Congo to the Security Council for possible sanctions. The MJPC (Mobilization for Justice and Peace in the Congo) warned that in the Congo as elsewhere, the ICC as a new international instrument to promote the rule of law and ensure that the gravest international crimes do not go unpunished could quickly lose its moral value if it does not take concrete steps to start enforcing its own issued arrest warrants. "Frankly the ICC cannot put off forever bringing the DR Congo before the Security Council for its continuing refusal to execute the outstanding ICC arrest warrant against Ntaganda," said Makuba Sekombo, Director of Community Affairs of the MJPC, an organization that strongly denounces defying ICC arrest warrants in Congo. "There are serious dangers in continuing to allow Congo defy this arrest warrant, its sends a wrong message and could have disastrous effects in other countries," added Sekombo.
Ntaganda is accused of several war crimes and crimes against humanity including: the massacres of 150 people in the town of Kiwanja in 2008 in his duties as military chief of staff of the National Congress for the Defense of the People (CNDP), torturing and killing of hundreds of civilians of Lendu and Ngiti ethnicity between August 2002 and March 2003 when he was chief of military operations of the Union of Congolese Patriots (UPC), slaughtering of at least 800 civilians on ethnic grounds at Mongbwalu, including the first priest killed in the Ituri conflict, Abbe Boniface Bwanalonga, killing of a Kenyan UN peacekeeper in January 2004 and kidnapping a Moroccan peacekeeper later that year, and recruiting child soldiers in the eastern region of Ituri. The MJPC is strongly urging the Congolese Government and MONUC to execute the arrest warrant issued by the ICC against Ntaganda.
According to Mr. Sekombo, the failure in the arrest of Bosco Ntaganda to date highlights the lack of seriousness in enforcing arrest warrants issued by the ICC and strongly urges the ICC to refer the case of Ntaganda to the UN Security Council to find solutions in accordance with Article 87, paragraph 7 of the Treaty of Rome.
The MJPC is calling for Congo to be taken to the Security Council, as it claims Kinshasa is in clear violation of the ICC treaty which Congo ratified in 2002. The ICC cannot afford to ignore its statutory responsibility to report this matter" to the Security Council," he said, adding that the Security Council would have the authority to require Congo to take all necessary corrective measures to enforce all ICC arrest warrants immediately.
An online petition has been set up asking concerned citizens around the world to demand the UN Mission in Congo known as MONUC and the Congolese Government to act decisively to enforce the ICC outstanding arrest warrants against Ntaganda. The petition can be signed at http://www.gopetition.com.au/online/24459.html
Click here http://www.arrestntagandanow.org/may112009.aspx to read a full article on referring Congo to the UN Security Council if it continues to defy the execution of the Arrest Warrant of the ICC Against Ntaganda by Makuba Sekombo
About MJPCMJPC is a non-profit organization working to add a voice in advocating for justice and peace in the DRC particulary in the east of DRC where thousands innocent civilian including children and women continue to suffer massive human rights violations while armed groups responsible for these crimes go unpunished.
For more information about the MJPC and its activities, visit http://www.mjpcongo.org . or call Makuba Sekembo @ 1 408 806 3644 or e-mail: info@mjpcongo.org . The online petition calling on the Congolese Government and MONUC to act decisively in enforcing the outstanding ICC arrest warrant against Bosco Ntaganda can be signed at http://www.gopetition.com.au/online/24459.html
MJPC is a nonprofit organization dedicated to working to add a voice in the promotion of justice and peace in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in particular in the East where thousands of innocent civilians, including children and women continue to be victims of massive human rights violations while the armed groups responsible for these crimes remain unpunished.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Petition to arrest war Criminal Laurent NKUNDA
Project website: http://www.arrestnkundanow.org
The petition can be signed at:
Petition to arrest ICC wanted war Criminal Bosco NTAGANDA
Project website:
The petition can be signed at: http://www.gopetition.com.au/online/24459.html
Online Museum of Victims of War in DR Congo
Project website:
Petition to arrest war Criminal Laurent NKUNDA
Project website: http://www.arrestnkundanow.org
The petition can be signed at:
Petition to arrest ICC wanted war Criminal Bosco NTAGANDA
Project website:
The petition can be signed at: http://www.gopetition.com.au/online/24459.html
Online Museum of Victims of War in DR Congo
Project website:
Saturday, May 2, 2009
MJPC: the ICC Called to issue an Arrest Warrant Against Laurent Nkunda
MJPC questions ICC waiting to issue an arrest warrant against Nkunda. Kinshasaa, D.R. Congo, April 25, 2009 - The Mobilization for Justice and Peace in the ... www.pressabout.com/index.php/2009/04/pr/mjpc-icc-called-issue-arrest
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Shocked and outraged by recent report by BBC that an indicted ICC war criminal is playing a leading role in the UN mission in the DR Congo, the MJPC is ... http://en.calameo.com/books/000044812a5c59fd2c8e9
MJPC to MONUC & Kabila Enforce the ICC Arrest Warrant Against ...
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MJPC: MONUC & Kabila Not Enforcing the ICC Arrest Warrant Against ...
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MJPC: the ICC Called to issue an Arrest Warrant ...
(NewDesignWorld Press Release Center) -- Kinshasaa, DR Congo, April 25, 2009 -- The Mobilization for Justice and Peace in the DR Congo ... www.newdesignworld.com/press/story/12828
MJPC to MONUC and Kabila: Enforce the ICC Arrest Warrant Against ...
May 1, 2009 ... While it seems absurd that the 17000 UN troops in Congo have not yet taken steps to enforce the ICC arrest warrant against Ntagada, ...www.your-story.org/mjpc-to-monuc-and-kabila-enforce-the-icc-arrest-warrant-against-ntaganda-8613/
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MJPC to MONUC & Kabila Enforce the ICC Arrest Warrant Against Ntaganda
Analysis/Comments Subscribe here & keep up to date! MJPC to MONUC & ... www.newstin.co.uk/tag/uk/118963125
ICC Arrest Warrant Against Ntaganda - MJPC calls upon the ...
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MJPC: the ICC Called to issue an Arrest Warrant Against Laurent Nkunda
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MJPC: the ICC Called to issue an Arrest Warrant Against Laurent Nkunda
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MJPC to MONUC & Kabila Enforce the ICC Arrest Warrant Against Ntaganda
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File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTMLMJPC to MONUC & Kabila Enforce the ICC Arrest Warrant Against Ntaganda. By arrestnkundanow. Published: 04/30/2009 - 18:56. MJPC calls upon the Congelese ... www.pressreleasepoint.com/node/221324/pdf
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MJPC: the ICC Called to issue an Arrest Warrant Against Laurent Nkunda
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PRLog.Org - General Bosco Ntaganda has a new website
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTMLAffairs for the Mobilization for Justice and Peace in Congo (MJPC). ... the sad truth of his war crimes and the arrest warrants of the ICC, the site is also ...www.prlog.org/10169791-general-bosco-ntaganda-has-new-website.pdf - Similar pages
Rwanda asked to Extradite Nkunda: Kabila & MONUC to arrest ...
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MJPC: the ICC Called to issue an Arrest Warrant Against Laurent Nkunda
Apr 25, 2009 ... 25.04.2009 12:00:39 MJPC questions ICC waiting to issue an arrest warrant against Nkunda. (live-PR.com) - Kinshasaa, D.R. Congo, April 25, ...www.live-pr.com/en/mjpc-the-icc-called-to-issue-r1048271612.htm - 12k -
Petition calling on UN to arrest Bosco NTAGANDA for war crimes
Jan 20, 2009 ... Petition calling on UN to arrest Bosco NTAGANDA for war crimes. Wanted by the ICC, the UN in Congo(MONUC) is not doing enough to arrest ...www.prlog.org/10169802-petition-calling-on-un-to-arrest-bosco-ntaganda-for-war-crimes.html - 34k - Cached - Similar pages
General Bosco Ntaganda has a new website
Jan 20, 2009 ... Petition calling on UN to arrest Bosco NTAGANDA for war crimes · MJPC: An Online Museum of the Victims of War in the D.R. Congo has been ...www.prlog.org/10169791-general-bosco-ntaganda-has-new-website.html - 35k - Cached - Similar pagesMore results from www.prlog.org »
Petition calling for the UN to arrest Bosco NTAGANDA - Free-Press ...
Jan 13, 2009 ... Petition calling for the UN to arrest Bosco NTAGANDA ... in Congo(MONUC) is not doing enough to arrest NTAGANDA for his committed war crimes ...www.free-press-release.com/news/200901/1231836826.html - 29k - Cached - Similar pages
General Bosco Ntaganda has a new website - Free-Press-Release.com
Jan 20, 2009 ... For more information on NTAGANDA and his war crimes, please visit www. ... Petition calling for the UN to arrest Bosco NTAGANDA ...www.free-press-release.com/news/200901/1232443689.html - 29k - Cached - Similar pages
Petition calling for the UN to arrest wanted war criminal Bosco ...
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Rwanda asked to Extradite Nkunda to ICC: Kabila & MONUC to arrest ...
Feb 5, 2009 ... Petition: Bosco NTAGANDA must be arrested now. ... INGA supports the Petition demanding the U.N. to arrest Nkunda for war crimes ... Petition Calling for Compensation of Victims of Sexual Violence in Eastern DR Congo ...www.your-story.org/rwanda-asked-to-extradite-nkunda-to-icc-kabila-monuc-to-arrest-ntaganda-3129/ - 87k - Cached - Similar pages
DRC - Warrant For Arrest Against Bosco Ntaganda AfricanLoft
Petition Calling on UN (MONUC) to arrest NTAGANDA wantedWanted by ... is not doing enough to arrest NTAGANDA for his committed war crimes ...www.africanloft.com/drc-warrant-for-arrest-against-bosco-ntaganda/ - 125k - Cached - Similar pages
Confusion totale à la tête de la rébellion congolaise : La ...
Petition Calling on UN (MONUC) to arrest NTAGANDA wantedWanted by the ICC ... is not doing enough to arrest NTAGANDA for his committed war crimes ... the world to demand MONUC to take concrete actions to arrest Bosco Ntaganda wanted by ...www.cameroun2011.com/blog/?p=1695 - 77k - Cached - Similar pages
Jan 12, 2009 ... Press Release. Petition: Bosco NTAGANDA must be arrested now. ... is not doing enough to arrest NTAGANDA for his committed war crimes ... MONUC is currently the largest UN peacekeeping mission in the world with more than ... 2008 calling for MONUC to immediately arrest notorious war criminal NKUNDA ...arrestntagandanow.org/JAN1209.aspx - 25k - Cached - Similar pages
Petition Calling on UN (MONUC) to arrest NTAGANDA wanted by ICC The UN in Congo(MONUC) is not doing enough to arrest NTAGANDA for his committed war crimes ... to demand MONUC to take concrete actions to arrest Bosco Ntaganda wanted by ...mushakipager.blogspot.com/2009/01/une-certaine-schizphrenie.html - 75k - Cached - Similar pages
Petition calling on UN to arrest Bosco NTAGANDA for war crimesJan 20, 2009Wanted by the ICC, the UN in Congo(MONUC) is not doing enough to arrest NTAGANDA for his committed war crimes
General Bosco Ntaganda has a new websiteJan 20, 2009Known as the "Terminator", General NTAGANDA who claimed to have overthrown his own boss NKUNDA about more than 10 days has a new website.
MJPC Also Strongly Condemns the Barbaric Massacres in the DRCDec 31, 2008Extends deepest sympathy and condolences to the families of victims
Pressure mounts on U.N. in Congo (MONUC) to arrest war criminal NkundaDec 23, 2008The most prestigious organizations in the world such as Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and others begun to document war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by troops under the direct command of NKUNDA since 2002
MJPC: An Online Museum of the Victims of War in the D.R. Congo has been launched.Dec 12, 2008Online museum aims to expose this war, remaining virtually invisible to the outside world despite ongoing unacceptable barbarity
INGA supports the Petition demanding the U.N. to arrest Nkunda for war crimesDec 04, 2008The Congolese Community of Northern California–INGA Association is throwing its full support behind a petition demanding the U.N. to immediately arrest Laurent Nkundabatware (Nkunda) for war crimes
A website calling for the U.N. in the Congo to immediately arrest Nkunda has been launchedNov 26, 2008The website encourages concerned people around the world to sign a petition to demand that MONUC immediately arrest Nkunda for war crimes and crimes against humanity.
INGA supports the Petition demanding the U.N. to arrest Nkunda for war crimes
The U.N. in Congo asked to arrest suspected war criminal
A website calling for the U.N. in the Congo to immediately arrest Nkunda has been launched
MJPC questions ICC waiting to issue an arrest warrant against Nkunda. Kinshasaa, D.R. Congo, April 25, 2009 - The Mobilization for Justice and Peace in the ... www.pressabout.com/index.php/2009/04/pr/mjpc-icc-called-issue-arrest
MJPC: the ICC Called to issue an Arrest Warrant Against Laurent ...
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Shocked and outraged by recent report by BBC that an indicted ICC war criminal is playing a leading role in the UN mission in the DR Congo, the MJPC is ... http://en.calameo.com/books/000044812a5c59fd2c8e9
MJPC to MONUC & Kabila Enforce the ICC Arrest Warrant Against ...
May 1, 2009 ... MJPC calls upon the Congelese Government and MONUC to act decisively to enforce the outstanding arrest warrant against Bosco Ntaganda. www.free-press-release.com/news/200905/1241180336.html
MJPC: the ICC Called to issue an Arrest Warrant Against Laurent Nkunda
MJPC: the ICC Called to issue an Arrest Warrant Against Laurent Nkunda. What is the ICC waiting for to issue an arrest warrant against Nkunda?www.prlog.org/10222806-mjpc-the-icc-called-to-issue-an-arrest-warrant-against-laurent-nkunda.html
MJPC: MONUC & Kabila Not Enforcing the ICC Arrest Warrant Against ...
Apr 30, 2009 ... MJPC: MONUC & Kabila Not Enforcing the ICC Arrest Warrant Against Ntaganda MJPC calls upon the Congelese Government and MONUC to act ...www.prfriend.com/pr/2009/04/30/mjpc-monuc-kabila-not-enforcing-the-icc-arrest-warrant-against-ntaganda/
MJPC: the ICC Called to issue an Arrest Warrant ...
(NewDesignWorld Press Release Center) -- Kinshasaa, DR Congo, April 25, 2009 -- The Mobilization for Justice and Peace in the DR Congo ... www.newdesignworld.com/press/story/12828
MJPC to MONUC and Kabila: Enforce the ICC Arrest Warrant Against ...
May 1, 2009 ... While it seems absurd that the 17000 UN troops in Congo have not yet taken steps to enforce the ICC arrest warrant against Ntagada, ...www.your-story.org/mjpc-to-monuc-and-kabila-enforce-the-icc-arrest-warrant-against-ntaganda-8613/
MJPC to MONUC & Kabila Enforce the ICC Arrest Warrant Against Ntaganda
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MJPC: the ICC Called to issue an Arrest Warrant Against Laurent Nkunda
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MJPC to MONUC & Kabila Enforce the ICC Arrest Warrant Against Ntaganda
Analysis/Comments Subscribe here & keep up to date! MJPC to MONUC & ... www.newstin.co.uk/tag/uk/118963125
ICC Arrest Warrant Against Ntaganda - MJPC calls upon the ...
Press Release Distribution: Technology IT Media. www.pressbooth.org/article2575.html
MJPC to MONUC & Kabila Enforce the ICC Arrest Warrant Against Ntaganda
MJPC to MONUC & Kabila Enforce the ICC Arrest Warrant Against Ntaganda MJPC calls upon the Congelese Government and MONUC to act decisively ... http://en.calameo.com/books/0000245608efb2851f9c3
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MJPC - The ICC Called to Issue an Arrest Warrant Against Laurent Nkunda. ... it take for the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), ...http://pressexposure.com/MJPC_-_The_ICC_Called_to_Issue_an_Arrest_Warrant_Against_Laurent_Nkunda-62877.html MJPC questions ICC waiting to issue an arrest warrant against Nkunda. Kinshasaa, D.R. Congo, April 25, 2009 -- The Mobilization for Justice and Peace in the ...www.freepressreleases.co.uk/.../MJPC:_the_ICC_Called_to_issue_an_Arrest_Warrant_Against_Laurent_Nkunda_20090425616.
MJPC: the ICC Called to issue an Arrest Warrant Against Laurent Nkunda
MJPC questions ICC waiting to issue an arrest warrant against Nkunda. Kinshasaa, DR Congo, April 25, 2009 -- The Mobilization for Justice and Peace in the ... http://it.calameo.com/books/000022583043454a20566
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MJPC: the ICC Called to issue an Arrest Warrant Against Laurent Nkunda
25.04.2009 12:00:39 MJPC questions ICC waiting to issue an arrest warrant against Nkunda. (live-PR.com) - Kinshasaa, D.R. www.live-pr.com/en/mjpc-the-icc-called-to-issue-r1048271612.htm
MJPC to MONUC & Kabila Enforce the ICC Arrest Warrant Against Ntaganda
May 1, 2009 ... by recent report by BBC that an indicted ICC war criminal is playing a leading role in the UN mission in the DR Congo, the MJPC is strongly ... www.live-pr.com/en/mjpc-to-monuc-kabila-enforce-r1048273384.htm
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[PDF] MJPC: the ICC Called to issue an Arrest Warrant Against Laurent Nkunda
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTMLMJPC. The ICC Prosecutor has been investigating war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in the Democratic. Republic of the Congo (DRC) since since ... www.pressreleasepoint.com/node/216623/pdf
Violence on the rise in DR Congo: BBC NEWS. « Zebra-Mbizi
MJPC questions ICC waiting to issue an arrest warrant against Nkunda. (live-PR.com) - Kinshasaa, D.R. Congo, http://zebrambizi.wordpress.com/2009/04/25/violence-on-the-rise-in-dr-congo-bbc-news/
MJPC: the ICC Called to issue an Arrest Warrant Against Laurent Nkunda
Analysis/Comments Subscribe here & keep up to date! MJPC: the ICC ...www.newstin.co.uk/tag/uk/117944096
MJPC: the ICC Called to issue an Arrest Warrant Against Laurent Nkunda
Apr 25, 2009 ... MJPC questions ICC waiting to issue an arrest warrant against Nkunda. Kinshasaa, DR Congo, April 25, 2009 -- The Mobilization for Justice ... http://ja.calameo.com/books/000022583043454a20566
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MJPC questions ICC waiting to issue an arrest warrant against Nkunda. Kinshasaa, D.R. Congo,
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MJPC to MONUC & Kabila Enforce the ICC Arrest Warrant Against Ntaganda
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PressExposure.com. ...http://pressexposure.com/PR/MJPC.html
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MJPC to MONUC & Kabila Enforce the ICC Arrest Warrant Against ...
MJPC calls upon the Congelese Government and MONUC to act decisively to enforce the outstanding arrest warrant against Bosco Ntaganda. www.pressreleasepoint.com/mjpc-monuc-amp-kabila-enforce-icc-arrest-warrant-against-ntaganda -
[PDF] MJPC to MONUC & Kabila Enforce the ICC Arrest Warrant Against Ntaganda
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTMLMJPC to MONUC & Kabila Enforce the ICC Arrest Warrant Against Ntaganda. By arrestnkundanow. Published: 04/30/2009 - 18:56. MJPC calls upon the Congelese ... www.pressreleasepoint.com/node/221324/pdf
MJPC to MONUC & Kabila Enforce the ICC Arrest Warrant Against Ntaganda
MJPC to MONUC & Kabila Enforce the ICC Arrest Warrant Against Ntaganda MJPC.www.pr-inside.com/mjpc-to-monuc-kabila-enforce-r1222116.htm
MJPC to MONUC & Kabila Enforce the ICC Arrest Warrant Against ...
May 1, 2009 ... MJPC to MONUC & Kabila Enforce the ICC Arrest Warrant Against Ntaganda ... to enforce the ICC outstanding arrest warrants against Ntaganda. ...www.free-press-release.com/news/200905/1241180336.html
MJPC: MONUC & Kabila Not Enforcing the ICC Arrest Warrant Against ...
Apr 30, 2009 ... MJPC: the ICC Called to issue an Arrest Warrant Against Laurent Nkunda · Rwanda asked to Extradite Nkunda:
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MJPC to MONUC and Kabila: Enforce the ICC Arrest Warrant Against ...
May 1, 2009 ... While it seems absurd that the 17000 UN troops in Congo have not yet taken steps to enforce the ICC arrest warrant against Ntagada, ...www.your-story.org/mjpc-to-monuc-and-kabila-enforce-the-icc-arrest-warrant-against-ntaganda-8613/
MJPC: MONUC & Kabila Not Enforcing the ICC Arrest Warrant Against ...
Apr 30, 2009 ... MJPC: MONUC & Kabila Not Enforcing the ICC Arrest Warrant ... MONUC to enforce the ICC outstanding arrest warrant against Ntaganda as soon as possible. ... MJPC: the ICC Called to issue an Arrest Warrant Against Laurent ...www.prfriend.com/pr/2009/04/30/mjpc-monuc-kabila-not-enforcing-the-icc-arrest-warrant-against-ntaganda/
MJPC to MONUC & Kabila Enforce the ICC Arrest Warrant Against Ntaganda
May 1, 2009 ... Analysis/Comments Subscribe here & keep up to date! MJPC to MONUC & ...www.newstin.co.uk/tag/uk/118963125
Press Release - MJPC to MONUC & Kabila Enforce ICC Arrest Warrant ...
MJPC to MONUC & Kabila Enforce ICC Arrest Warrant Against Ntaganda ... Government and MONUC to enforce the ICC outstanding arrest warrant against Ntaganda ...www.newdesignworld.com/press/story/13288
MJPC: the ICC Called to issue an Arrest Warrant Against Laurent Nkunda
MJPC questions ICC waiting to issue an arrest warrant against Nkunda. Kinshasaa, D.R. Congo, April 25, 2009 — The Mobilization for Justice and Peace in the ...www.pressabout.com/index.php/2009/04/pr/mjpc-icc-called-issue-arrest/ - 23k - Cached - Similar pages
MJPC- The ICC Called to issue an Arrest Warrant Against Laurent ...
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MJPC: the ICC Called to issue an Arrest Warrant Against Laurent Nkunda
Apr 25, 2009 ... MJPC questions ICC waiting to issue an arrest warrant against Nkunda. Kinshasaa, DR Congo, April 25, 2009 -- The Mobilization for Justice ...en.calameo.com/books/000022583043454a20566 - 66k - Cached - Similar pages
MJPC: the ICC Called to issue an Arrest Warrant Against Laurent Nkunda
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Press Release - MJPC: the ICC Called to issue an Arrest Warrant ...
Apr 25, 2009 ... (NewDesignWorld Press Release Center) -- Kinshasaa, DR Congo, April 25, 2009 -- The Mobilization for Justice and Peace in the DR Congo ...www.newdesignworld.com/press/story/12828 - 32k - Cached - Similar pages
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MJPC: the ICC Called to issue an Arrest Warrant Against Laurent Nkunda
Apr 25, 2009 ... Summary: MJPC questions ICC waiting to issue an arrest warrant against Nkunda. ... (read more)www.pressrelease001.com/legal5329/mjpc-icc-called-issue-arrest-warrant-against-laurent-nkunda - 38k - Cached - Similar pages
MJPC: the ICC Called to issue an Arrest Warrant Against Laurent Nkunda
Apr 25, 2009 ... Analysis/Comments Subscribe here & keep up to date! MJPC: the ICC ...www.newstin.co.uk/tag/uk/117944096 - 46k - Cached - Similar pages
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MJPC: the ICC Called to issue an Arrest Warrant Against Laurent Nkunda
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PRLog.Org - General Bosco Ntaganda has a new website
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTMLAffairs for the Mobilization for Justice and Peace in Congo (MJPC). ... the sad truth of his war crimes and the arrest warrants of the ICC, the site is also ...www.prlog.org/10169791-general-bosco-ntaganda-has-new-website.pdf - Similar pages
Rwanda asked to Extradite Nkunda: Kabila & MONUC to arrest ...
The Mobilization for Justice and Peace in the R.D. Congo (MJPC) today called ... extradite NKUNDA to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague for ...www.free-press-release.com/news/200902/1233820638.html - 29k - Cached - Similar pages
Free Press Release Distribution PressAbout.com
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... the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague for war crimes is www. ... MJPC requests the United Nations in Congo (MONUC) to stop encouraging the ...arrestntagandanow.org/JAN18ENGLISH.aspx - 26k - Cached - Similar pages
compensate victims of sexual violence
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Nkunda. Having trouble viewing this email? Click here. What is the ICC waiting for to issue ...mrsowingsmills.blogspot.com/ - 96k - Cached - Similar pages
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ICC. MJPC: the ICC Called to issue an Arrest Warrant Against Laurent Nkunda. Summary: MJPC questions ICC waiting to issue an arrest warrant against Nkunda. ...www.pressrelease001.com/tags/icc - 29k - Cached - Similar pages
MJPC: the ICC Called to issue an Arrest Warrant Against Laurent Nkunda
Apr 25, 2009 ... 25.04.2009 12:00:39 MJPC questions ICC waiting to issue an arrest warrant against Nkunda. (live-PR.com) - Kinshasaa, D.R. Congo, April 25, ...www.live-pr.com/en/mjpc-the-icc-called-to-issue-r1048271612.htm - 12k -
Petition calling on UN to arrest Bosco NTAGANDA for war crimes
Jan 20, 2009 ... Petition calling on UN to arrest Bosco NTAGANDA for war crimes. Wanted by the ICC, the UN in Congo(MONUC) is not doing enough to arrest ...www.prlog.org/10169802-petition-calling-on-un-to-arrest-bosco-ntaganda-for-war-crimes.html - 34k - Cached - Similar pages
General Bosco Ntaganda has a new website
Jan 20, 2009 ... Petition calling on UN to arrest Bosco NTAGANDA for war crimes · MJPC: An Online Museum of the Victims of War in the D.R. Congo has been ...www.prlog.org/10169791-general-bosco-ntaganda-has-new-website.html - 35k - Cached - Similar pagesMore results from www.prlog.org »
Petition calling for the UN to arrest Bosco NTAGANDA - Free-Press ...
Jan 13, 2009 ... Petition calling for the UN to arrest Bosco NTAGANDA ... in Congo(MONUC) is not doing enough to arrest NTAGANDA for his committed war crimes ...www.free-press-release.com/news/200901/1231836826.html - 29k - Cached - Similar pages
General Bosco Ntaganda has a new website - Free-Press-Release.com
Jan 20, 2009 ... For more information on NTAGANDA and his war crimes, please visit www. ... Petition calling for the UN to arrest Bosco NTAGANDA ...www.free-press-release.com/news/200901/1232443689.html - 29k - Cached - Similar pages
Petition calling for the UN to arrest wanted war criminal Bosco ...
Petition calling for the UN to arrest wanted war criminal Bosco NTAGANDA ... is not doing enough to arrest NTAGANDA for his committed war crimes ...www.gopetition.com.au/msg.php?msgid=235443&isearch= - 24k - Cached - Similar pages
Rwanda asked to Extradite Nkunda to ICC: Kabila & MONUC to arrest ...
Feb 5, 2009 ... Petition: Bosco NTAGANDA must be arrested now. ... INGA supports the Petition demanding the U.N. to arrest Nkunda for war crimes ... Petition Calling for Compensation of Victims of Sexual Violence in Eastern DR Congo ...www.your-story.org/rwanda-asked-to-extradite-nkunda-to-icc-kabila-monuc-to-arrest-ntaganda-3129/ - 87k - Cached - Similar pages
DRC - Warrant For Arrest Against Bosco Ntaganda AfricanLoft
Petition Calling on UN (MONUC) to arrest NTAGANDA wantedWanted by ... is not doing enough to arrest NTAGANDA for his committed war crimes ...www.africanloft.com/drc-warrant-for-arrest-against-bosco-ntaganda/ - 125k - Cached - Similar pages
Confusion totale à la tête de la rébellion congolaise : La ...
Petition Calling on UN (MONUC) to arrest NTAGANDA wantedWanted by the ICC ... is not doing enough to arrest NTAGANDA for his committed war crimes ... the world to demand MONUC to take concrete actions to arrest Bosco Ntaganda wanted by ...www.cameroun2011.com/blog/?p=1695 - 77k - Cached - Similar pages
Jan 12, 2009 ... Press Release. Petition: Bosco NTAGANDA must be arrested now. ... is not doing enough to arrest NTAGANDA for his committed war crimes ... MONUC is currently the largest UN peacekeeping mission in the world with more than ... 2008 calling for MONUC to immediately arrest notorious war criminal NKUNDA ...arrestntagandanow.org/JAN1209.aspx - 25k - Cached - Similar pages
Petition Calling on UN (MONUC) to arrest NTAGANDA wanted by ICC The UN in Congo(MONUC) is not doing enough to arrest NTAGANDA for his committed war crimes ... to demand MONUC to take concrete actions to arrest Bosco Ntaganda wanted by ...mushakipager.blogspot.com/2009/01/une-certaine-schizphrenie.html - 75k - Cached - Similar pages
Petition calling on UN to arrest Bosco NTAGANDA for war crimesJan 20, 2009Wanted by the ICC, the UN in Congo(MONUC) is not doing enough to arrest NTAGANDA for his committed war crimes
General Bosco Ntaganda has a new websiteJan 20, 2009Known as the "Terminator", General NTAGANDA who claimed to have overthrown his own boss NKUNDA about more than 10 days has a new website.
MJPC Also Strongly Condemns the Barbaric Massacres in the DRCDec 31, 2008Extends deepest sympathy and condolences to the families of victims
Pressure mounts on U.N. in Congo (MONUC) to arrest war criminal NkundaDec 23, 2008The most prestigious organizations in the world such as Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and others begun to document war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by troops under the direct command of NKUNDA since 2002
MJPC: An Online Museum of the Victims of War in the D.R. Congo has been launched.Dec 12, 2008Online museum aims to expose this war, remaining virtually invisible to the outside world despite ongoing unacceptable barbarity
INGA supports the Petition demanding the U.N. to arrest Nkunda for war crimesDec 04, 2008The Congolese Community of Northern California–INGA Association is throwing its full support behind a petition demanding the U.N. to immediately arrest Laurent Nkundabatware (Nkunda) for war crimes
A website calling for the U.N. in the Congo to immediately arrest Nkunda has been launchedNov 26, 2008The website encourages concerned people around the world to sign a petition to demand that MONUC immediately arrest Nkunda for war crimes and crimes against humanity.
INGA supports the Petition demanding the U.N. to arrest Nkunda for war crimes
The U.N. in Congo asked to arrest suspected war criminal
A website calling for the U.N. in the Congo to immediately arrest Nkunda has been launched
MJPC to MONUC and President Kabila: Enforce the ICC Arrest Warrant Against Ntaganda
MJPC calls upon the Congelese Government and MONUC to act decisively to enforce the outstanding arrest warrant against Bosco Ntaganda.
Sacramento, CALIFORNIA: April 30, 2009. The Mobilization for Justice and Peace in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MJPC) today called on the Congolese Government and the UN's peacekeeping force in DR Congo, which is known as MONUC to act decisively to enforce the outstanding arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court (ICC) against Bosco Ntaganda.
Shocked and outraged by recent report by BBC that an indicted ICC war criminal is playing a leading role in the UN mission in the DR Congo, the MJPC is strongly urging the UN Security Council and the entire international community to put pressure on the Congolese Government and MONUC to enforce the ICC outstanding arrest warrant against Ntaganda as soon as possible. "While it seems absurd that the 17,000 UN troops in Congo have not yet taken steps to enforce the ICC arrest warrant against Ntagada, it is alarming and even horrifying that they are engaged incoordinating military operations with someone accused of committing war crimes and crimes against humanity of inconceivable magnitude", said Amede Kyubwa, Executive Director of MJPC.
"Unlike other countries where there are ongoing investigations on cases of war crimes and crimes against humanity, the ICC has the power to enforce its arrest warrants in the Democratic Republic of Congo because of the 17,000 peacekeeping soldiers of the UN in the country, but so far these troops have not yet made attempts to arrest Ntaganda despite knowing his whereabouts and coordinating military operations with him. Warrant issued by the ICC must be respected and enforced by MONUC and Government of Congo" added Mr Kyubwa.
Ntaganda is accused of several war crimes and crimes against humanity including: the massacres of 150 people in the town of Kiwanja in 2008 in his duties as military chief of staff of the National Congress for the Defense of the People (CNDP), torturing and killing of hundreds of civilians of Lendu and Ngiti ethnicity between August 2002 and March 2003 when he was chief of military operations of the Union of Congolese Patriots (UPC), slaughtering of at least 800 civilians on ethnic grounds at Mongbwalu, including the first priest killed in the Ituri conflict, Abbe Boniface Bwanalonga, killing of a Kenyan UN peacekeeper in January 2004 and kidnapping a Moroccan peacekeeper later that year, and recruiting child soldiers in the eastern region of Ituri. The MJPC is strongly urging the Congolese Government and MONUC to execute the arrest warrant issued by the ICC against Ntaganda.
As part of its global campaign against impunity in Congo, the MJPC has set up an online petition which can be signed at http://www.gopetition.com.au/online/24459.html asking concerned citizens around the world to demand the UN in Congo Mission known as MONUC and the Congolese Government to act decisively to enforce the ICC outstanding arrest warrants against Ntaganda.
About MJPC MJPC works to add a voice in advocating for justice and peace in the DRC particulary in the east of DRC where thousands innocent civilian including children and women continue to suffer massive human rights violations while armed groups responsible for these crimes go unpunished
For more information about the MJPC and its activities, visit http://www.mjpcongo.org. or call Amede Kyubwa @ 916 753 5717 or e-mail: info@mjpcongo.org . The online petition calling on the Congolese Government and MONUC to act decisively in enforcing the outstanding ICC arrest warrant against Bosco Ntaganda can be signed at http://www.gopetition.com/online/23604.html
MJPC calls upon the Congelese Government and MONUC to act decisively to enforce the outstanding arrest warrant against Bosco Ntaganda.
Sacramento, CALIFORNIA: April 30, 2009. The Mobilization for Justice and Peace in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MJPC) today called on the Congolese Government and the UN's peacekeeping force in DR Congo, which is known as MONUC to act decisively to enforce the outstanding arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court (ICC) against Bosco Ntaganda.
Shocked and outraged by recent report by BBC that an indicted ICC war criminal is playing a leading role in the UN mission in the DR Congo, the MJPC is strongly urging the UN Security Council and the entire international community to put pressure on the Congolese Government and MONUC to enforce the ICC outstanding arrest warrant against Ntaganda as soon as possible. "While it seems absurd that the 17,000 UN troops in Congo have not yet taken steps to enforce the ICC arrest warrant against Ntagada, it is alarming and even horrifying that they are engaged incoordinating military operations with someone accused of committing war crimes and crimes against humanity of inconceivable magnitude", said Amede Kyubwa, Executive Director of MJPC.
"Unlike other countries where there are ongoing investigations on cases of war crimes and crimes against humanity, the ICC has the power to enforce its arrest warrants in the Democratic Republic of Congo because of the 17,000 peacekeeping soldiers of the UN in the country, but so far these troops have not yet made attempts to arrest Ntaganda despite knowing his whereabouts and coordinating military operations with him. Warrant issued by the ICC must be respected and enforced by MONUC and Government of Congo" added Mr Kyubwa.
Ntaganda is accused of several war crimes and crimes against humanity including: the massacres of 150 people in the town of Kiwanja in 2008 in his duties as military chief of staff of the National Congress for the Defense of the People (CNDP), torturing and killing of hundreds of civilians of Lendu and Ngiti ethnicity between August 2002 and March 2003 when he was chief of military operations of the Union of Congolese Patriots (UPC), slaughtering of at least 800 civilians on ethnic grounds at Mongbwalu, including the first priest killed in the Ituri conflict, Abbe Boniface Bwanalonga, killing of a Kenyan UN peacekeeper in January 2004 and kidnapping a Moroccan peacekeeper later that year, and recruiting child soldiers in the eastern region of Ituri. The MJPC is strongly urging the Congolese Government and MONUC to execute the arrest warrant issued by the ICC against Ntaganda.
As part of its global campaign against impunity in Congo, the MJPC has set up an online petition which can be signed at http://www.gopetition.com.au/online/24459.html asking concerned citizens around the world to demand the UN in Congo Mission known as MONUC and the Congolese Government to act decisively to enforce the ICC outstanding arrest warrants against Ntaganda.
About MJPC MJPC works to add a voice in advocating for justice and peace in the DRC particulary in the east of DRC where thousands innocent civilian including children and women continue to suffer massive human rights violations while armed groups responsible for these crimes go unpunished
For more information about the MJPC and its activities, visit http://www.mjpcongo.org. or call Amede Kyubwa @ 916 753 5717 or e-mail: info@mjpcongo.org . The online petition calling on the Congolese Government and MONUC to act decisively in enforcing the outstanding ICC arrest warrant against Bosco Ntaganda can be signed at http://www.gopetition.com/online/23604.html
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